Lambrick Park Preschool & Childcare

Parent Participation

IMG_6168As a Co-Op, all families (full and limited) are actively involved throughout the year in the operations of the facility and child care on average working out to 4 hours of volunteer time per month. 

Volunteering times vary and there are lots of different ways to choose how you are involved. Some examples include:

All families are expected to participate in fundraising events hosted by the preschool during the year (if they have not “opted out”).  The executive fundraising team will highlight what the years fundraisers will be at the beginning of the preschool year in September.  In addition, all families are expected to participate in the monthly meetings.  The once a month meetings are usually hosted in the first week of each month, either in person or online using Zoom.  

Full-participation families: families that are full-participation are expected to do one duty day per month and participate in the parent education portion of our monthly business meetings.  The parent education portion of the monthly meetings is a licensing requirement for the preschool to have the parents participate within the preschool classroom and perform their duty days.  

Limited-participation families: there are only a few spots for limited-participation families; all families enrolled in just afternoon classes are automatically limited participation.  Limited-participation families do not have to perform a duty day monthly, but instead are given a monthly task that assists in the cleanliness and maintenance of our preschool (ie: mopping, vaccuming, etc).  These duties can be done after preschool hours and on weekends.  

Learning Through Play